Saturday, August 28, 2010

Snore shirts... the latest in sleep apparel?

My baby sister underwent a Sleep Study at Valley Sleep Center, where she was diagnosed with having Supine Sleep Apnea. This means that my sister's obstructive events are isolated to when she is sleeping on her back.

In the past physicians have used the method of tying a tennis ball into the back of a night shirt. This causes discomfort when the patient rolls onto their back resulting in the patient turning onto their side, thus relieving the obstruction and eliminating respiratory events.

My sister thought this was an easy, inexpensive solution and went home to sleep with a ball in her shirt. Unfortunately, the tennis ball was not enough to prevent my sister from sleeping supine. She found herself on her back upon waking and was now left with the addition of pain/discomfort throughout her day.

It seems my sister was not the only one who found the tennis ball solution to be ineffective as shortly after my sister's failed attempt. Lauri Leadley the owner of Valley Sleep Center purchased a surplus of what are called "Snore Shirts". I was elated and immediately purchased a shirt for my sister to try. The shirts are premade with 3 pockets in the back wherein are placed 3 styrofoam tubes. The tubes are equally placed along the expanse of the upper back.

The next day my sister was astounded with the success of her new "Snore Shirt". She awoke rested and without back pain. It may not be the cute pajama set she is used to receiving over the holidays, but what I gave her was the gift to a long healthy life. Purely selfish on my part, I love her and can't imagine my life without her.

If you have a loved one suffering from Supine Sleep Apnea, I encourage you to visit and purchase your "Snore Shirt" today!

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